Saturday, April 30, 2011

I'm really tired of crying. I tell myself that I'm done with it and I have no more energy and tears left to cry but I end up bawling my eyes out everytime. I really can't handle it anymore because it does no good. The next morning, my eyes just get really puffy and it stings.

I'm not being sexist or anything but no matter what, guys should treat all girls with respect. Sometimes I beat myself down because I know I deserved better but in the end I settled for less.

I got tired of trying. After putting all my effort into someone, putting them before myself, I realized that I will soon get tired. Get tired of trying myself because there's no one to meet me halfway. I thought the other person finally understood. I thought that I would see change, and things would get better. I feel like we're back at the starting point all over again.

No matter how much I try to explain it, the other person can't seem to hear what I have to say. In the end, it's always my fault in the other person's eyes. Even if it was me who tried most to avoid it. But you know what? I should save my breath from now on. Nothing seems to work but maybe giving up will.

I tell my friends advice about their relationships all the time and I feel bad that I can't even listen to my own words. I ask myself these questions all the time but in the end, I make up excuses for that person whom I doubt.
Were you there for me when I felt alone and sad?
Were there sacrifices or changes you had to make for me because I was worth it?
Was there anything you went out of your way to do for me?

One persons actions shows how much he cares and it will all become clear in the end.

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