Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mid-winter break and I finally get to blog again

For the past week, I've been at my boyfriend's house and I usually spend time with him rather than blog so sorry I couldn't update my blogspot followers. I guess i'll just write a little on how my week went, future stuff, and just some things I'd like to share with you guys.

Mostly all we did during the week was sleep, eat, play games and watch movies. We barely left the house unless I had to go to work. I think most of the time we ate dumplings or egg fried rice but baby made it for me so I can never get sick of it. He's so addicted to dice on facebook now haha and we'd play some QQ games but of course, he beats me all the times anyways. I had to go to work two days in a row but I got so exhausted due to the lack of sleep I had so I had to give two shifts away. Thank God I finally got some numbers of the cashiers at work! We'd sleep around 4am and wake up 12 hours later haha which is probably the reason why I have a pimple on my left cheek that wasn't there a few days ago. Bleh I don't know why but my hair sheds really easily which gets all over Anqi's house. I might get a hair treatment or tie it up when i'm over. The only thing I purchased this week was a pair of damaged jeans from Hco. It was $40 with my discount. Today I had to go home which felt weird since I stayed over at his house for an entire week. It's kinda lonely sleeping without him and I won't see him until Friday. I still have some of my stuff at his house cause I didn't wanna bring so many bags.

Hollister is giving us new clothes for work but for the cashiers, we're getting the same outfit except we're going to wear v-neck tshirts now. I got a random $30 check and I think it's for the Uniqlo orientation, but i'm not sure. I also received my circle lenses from! I'm going to make a video review and a review here on my blog. I also got a note that I got 2 packages waiting for me at the post office which i'm excited about! I'm probably going to pick it up tomorrow before I head to work.

I'm having a headache so I really need to get some sleep. I have work for the next 4 days. Tomorrow I need to go in half an hour early to get my uniform though. I took a lot of pictures today since I felt like I haven't camwhored in so long.

I finally talked to my bestie Brenda! We're going to hang out next month during her break and it's her birthday week. I might sleep over since we have so many ideas and we need time with each other to do everything we need to get done. It's exciting to talk to her about everything aha. Our plan so far is to shop at soho, take pictures, eat and head back to Fort Lee at night and take pictures and stuff at her house. I kind of cancelled on Diana this week since I have work tomorrow so I need to make it up next week maybe! I need some girl time even though I love spending time with the bf..

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