Friday, February 22, 2013


I have A LOT to tell you guys. I've missed blogging so much! Seriously you guys have NO IDEA what has been going on since the last time I've posted on here. I don't even know where to start...
Hmm I wonder who this is?

For those of you that do not know yet, yes, I AM MARRIEDDDDD. It's exciting to say it out loud haha. I know many of you are probably thinking "what the eff... how old are you?! are you crazy? why? how...?" and so forth. Trust me, almost everyone I told asked me the same question about my age and even asked me if I'm doing it cause I'm pregnant haha. I'm not gonna get into the whole story of why and how because it's very complicated. However, I got married because my husband and I love each other and we wanna spend the rest of our lives together. It was a choice we made together and our parents agreed as well. And I know we've only dated for what, 8 months? but some people date 8 years and break up anyways. It's already been 2 months since we got married and we went to China and Bali for our honeymoon/small vaca. Now I'm back in New York and ready to blog!!! Yay!!! 
PS. I'll update you guys more on my wedding because I'm sure a lot of you wanna see pictures etc. I'll make a separate post just on that!

Only a week after our wedding, we flew to China to visit his family, celebrate Chinese New Years, and attend his brother's wedding. 
 That's what their wedding looked like! It was more traditional than ours because theirs was held in China in their hometown. 
That's me and my sao zi. (My husband's brother's wife. I actually have no idea what to call her in English)

Lastly, we went to Bali, Indonesia for our honeymoon! I really wanted to go to Maldives but it was way too expensive especially during the time that New Years was around the corner. We went to Hong Kong for a day to shop and it was actually my first time there since I was 5. We stayed in Bali for about three days then we went to Shenzhen for a day. It was nice to experience warm weather again because I'm getting so tired of the cold! And with that said, I'm really hating New York's super cold weather right now!! Maybe I'll make a separate post about our trip as well because there's a lot of pictures. This trip wasn't as fun as I expected it to be but nevertheless I'm glad we went. 

When we got back, we went to his hometown to celebrate Chinese New Years with his family and also celebrated his dad's birthday. It was a very happy time for everyone because their whole family was there which is somewhat rare for everyone to get together. Even though there was no wi-fi, no heat, no hot water, we still lived off those three nights. Babe was actually playing cards everyday with his friends and I downloaded movies on my iPad to watch. We also lit fireworks by ourselves in our rooftop which was pretty cool cause it's illegal in New York. 

I think that concludes this post because it's getting prettttty long and long posts make people sleep! I just went downstairs to buy some fruits to make myself a fruit salad which I'm going to do right now! That's my dinner cause I haven't been feeling so well lately and I don't feel like eating anything. I'll get back to blogging after I eat my snack and take a nice shower, tehe.

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