My mom
I really don't say "thank you" or "I love you mom" to her as much as I should. Until a few years ago, I thought friends were all I needed because my family wasn't a close one. I'd always go to my friends for support and comfort, but then I came to realize family are the only ones that are going to be there for you when you hit rock bottom. Friends come and go, but family is always family. I have a huge family and out of everyone in my family, and in this whole entire world, I love my mom the most. She's the most amazing and inspiring person I know and I'm so glad to call her my mom. If I had the chance to choose anyone to be my mom, I'd pick her. You're jealous she's not your mom hehe. You know how many people say "oh but I don't think my mom loves me best."? Well I feel my mom's love. She has such a big heart and I know she deserves way more than the way she has to live now. My heart aches knowing all the things she's been through over the past 20 years, but I hope I can change that and take away all her worries and pain.
I've seen my mom go through hospital check ups, going to work even though she's sick, crying because of family problems, trying to make everyone else happy, sacrificing for each and every one of us. I never really appreciated or noticed all these things she does for us. I've let my mom down and disappointed her several times, but she still forgives me. Ever since I was small, she tried to get me everything I asked for because she didn't want me to take it from another kid's. She wanted me to live a happy life and grow up to be someone successful so I don't have to go through the same pain she had to go through.
I really wanna give back to my mom this time. I might not be working and getting a job but I definitely wanna start making life easier for her. I wanna change myself into a good daughter that will take care of my mom. I want her to live a long and healthy life no matter what. I'm so glad to have her support and help with my beauty pageant. Without her, I seriously wouldn't have gotten this far. Even though I'm an independent person, I'd be totally lost without my mom. She tells me to practice my walk, she helped me make my appointments and makes sure I get everything done on time. She paid for everything just so I can join this year's pageant and I feel bad that she has to spend so much money for me. I hope I won't disappoint her this time and make her proud. Hopefully she can have some rest and come to China with me for two weeks.
姆妈 , 我爱你♡
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