I get a lot of inspiration from Tumblr because it keeps me updated and two steps ahead of everyone about style, fashion, news, pictures, quotes and the world. It's a great community and blog so you should definitely sign up for one and you might become addicted like me! I think I signed up for a tumblr about 3 years ago before it started to get really popular among teenagers. I posted a bulletin on Myspace about how I wanted to blog about my days because I was usually posting it in bulletins. Esther read about me wanting to try out blogs and suggested Tumblr to me. At first, I was quite hesitant but after a while I was like why not? I started to use it and now I'm in love with it. All I did was post about my life, my thoughts, and I started to gain quite a lot of followers. I stayed up all night going on tumblr and I started to meet a lot of my old Myspace friends on there as well. My ex actually didn't like how popular I got using tumblr after gaining 900 followers. I created a formspring at the time as well and as you all know, that's where all the hate started to evolve. A lot of people would sit behind their computers typing mean things anonymously using Formspring to people on the internet. After someone wrote something that I thought was completely crossing the line, I deactivated it. After that, I have never used Formspring ever again. My ex and I would argue about my blog which I didn't really understand because he would make me choose, but that's not the point here. I ended up deleting my old tumblr, created a new one, and blocked a lot of my followers. After we broke up, I unblocked everyone and somehow gained my followers back. I regret deleting my old tumblr now because I want to go back and read everything I have ever written on my tumblr but it's gone and it's not coming back. I don't really know why I'm writing my whole tumblr experience haha I was supposed to post some things up that I liked from Tumblr and I wrote like a whole essay about it. I guess it's somewhere I can share my thoughts, inspirations, pictures and connect with other people. I have to admit, I found out a lot of things that have gone on in the world around me through this site and I'm thankful for it. Sometimes I do get bored and tired of going through my dashboard but I do it anyways. My followers support me (I get a lot of haters as well) so that's why I keep going. I started a blogspot to make this whole blog more about me and not just reblogs. I think I might completely switch over one day, but not right now. I love blogging and I don't blog for anyone else. I just share things about my life with people who are interested in me and for me to look back on later on

PS I wanted to start fresh on twitter so I used an application that deleted all of my old tweets and I'm starting over! I unfollowed some people as well and changed my URL. Now it's twitter.com/missivyhu. I've been using MissIvyHu for everything now haha I think i'm going to make it permanent.
I’m using BlogOnAuto com for all of my accounts and by far this is the best tool I ever discovered for my Tumblr. I have never used any tool as powerful as BlogOnAuto before. The results I got were very steady, legit and safe. The best part about this tool is that it runs on cloud storage and there is no need to download any software on your pc. You just need to provide information to BlogOnAuto of what you want or to be scheduled which takes very few couple of minutes and once you are done logout, close your browser or even turn your computer off and enjoy your day.